Thursday, October 27, 2005

i wanna sink to the bottom with you

It's been a while since my last proper update so since I'm ignoring school and housework and bills and whatnot for one blessed night, here we go...

Turnaround schedule is sort of killing me. Mostly because I don't have any days off. Which is pretty ridiculous, I think, but no one has asked me for my opinion yet. Other than that, it's fine. My boss is still dumb and I hate her a lil for the way she treats my friends/peers. So really any day that I don't have to talk to her too much is a good one. And turnaround has been keeping me real busy. And it's sometimes fun just playing outside and climbing all over the place (however scary and life-threatening at times). I really love working with Ben (fellow A&M chemE) and new friend Rob (who I do everything with because we are food soulmates). Anywho they are both funnie and all 3 of us are jaded and cynical and make fun of pretty much everything so it's not too bad. Plus, during turnaround I get to eat anything I want and basically eat m&ms and goldfish all day. Also ice cream. Woohoo. I will post pics soon.

Also everyone at work is being real supportive and happy for me about my new job (which I will be starting after thanksgiving). It turns out new job is a really big deal and has been described as "a make or break" opportunity for my "career" or whatever. I was sort of excited about it but everyone seems to think it's a huge leap for me, so yay about that I guess. Hope I don't f*** it up. I also am getting nostalgic and will miss all the operators bc it's like having dozens of dad-types. And I won't get doted on or get to wander around the plant anymore. I dunno, it's just sad a little. Although I'm so ready to get a new boss. Heh.

Umm, really I don't do anything other than work. Things with Aneil are still going well. He visited me last week although I was only off one day thus was not able to see him a lot and was a terrible hostess. But he's real patient and sweet and made me meals and held my hand and took me out and didn't get mad that I had to go to bed by 10. He's real great. I admit that I adore him a little.

Okay enough of that. I have random musings:

1) I don't watch any tv anymore. I could care less about Alias (sans the hot guy) and am started to get bored of Gilmore Girls. What's with that?

2) I looooove INXS' "Need you Tonight"

3) Does anyone else remember the Hair Bear Bunch? Man, I loooooved them when I was little. One of them had an afro...

4) Today I was in a meeting with a bunch of plant managers and they were arguing over a compressor issue or something and one of them says (straight faced and without smiling) "well this committee doesn't need to be Don Quixote about it or anything." He referenced DQ! No one else seemed as delighted as me so I didn't say anything but I was very impressed with his reference. Plus it made sense in the situation...yay.

5) Apparently my vocabulary is "strange" so I'm working on being more "banal".

6) I have a test next Wed and I don't really know what's on it. Ugh.

Okay, time for bed. Smoooch.


Anonymous said...

i miss you everyday.


i dont know if we are food soulmates bc you dont love teh monte cristo or double stuffed oreos, but youre definitely my enabler and cohort and i love that. this rob kid better watch out. im the jealous type.


jasembera said...

that inxs song is 'killer.' it is one of the top 3 songs i look for when there is a jukebox provided for me.

and i am very, very proud of your step up in your 'career' and you use of 'big words.'