Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blog Makeover

Okay, so the blog needed a little TLC, so check out the new template and updated links!  

New photos are definitely on the way.  I've figured out how to get photos onto the Mac, so expect some Maria wedding pics soon.

Anyone catch the American Idol finale?  Did you record it in any format that can be transferred to yours truly?  My previous post about surviving without cable should be edited to say that I am not faring as well without Tivo.  We have a VCR (that's what pre-dated the DVR, for all you kids out there) and I set it to record my beloved Idol finale so I could go practice for my SAT tutoring interview (I have to teach a class...scary.).  Well, Aneil got home before me, and found that the VCR ate the tape (it did this to another tape last week, but we wrote it off as a fluke).  Luckily he was able to record the last 15 minutes for me, but apparently I missed appearances by Cyndi Lauper and Lionel Ritchie!  Nooooo!  Weirdly, reality show full episodes don't really show up online the way normal tv shows do (anyone want to school me on copyright laws for reality tv?) so I caught a little bit of grainy footage on youtube, but it's NOT THE SAME.  I am one sad pop- culture-deprived-bunny.  I feel like newly crowned American Idol Kris Allen's face really expresses my disbelief that I missed out on  most of the extravaganza:

Apparently this is what I missed:

KISS!  Cyndi!  The dude married to Nicole Kidman!  And...Jason Mraz?  Meh.

Anyway, it's fine.  The entertainment blogs have freakishly detailed descriptions of everything that went down, so it's almost like I was in the Nokia theater myself.  Almost.

On that note, I strangely love TV watcher blogs, so next season I'm going to add a TV Watch feature to my own blog!  Vote in the comments for what show you would like me to recap.  Here's what I watch regularly:  Lost, American Idol, Gossip Girl, and Mad Men.  I used to have a ton of cable reality shows on that list, but the one benefit of my no-cable lifestyle is that I have managed to drop them off my radar (goodbye Real Housewives!  nice knowing ya!) yeah, vote below.  Also suggest stuff I may have left off the list that you know I secretly watch anyway (The Bachelor comes to mind).  I am thinking of adding Glee to my repertoire as well.  (Have you seen it yet?  Love!).

The great Atlas Shrugged attempt 2009 has commenced.  This year is interesting because while babbling on about how I will never know who John Galt is, Aneil mentioned that his BFF John's middle name is Galt.  Dude is freaking named after John Galt!  (btw Aneil had no idea that this had any literary significance.)  At any rate, I am only 100 pages in, thus still shy of last year's record 151 pages.  We'll see how it goes this time around.  Oh how I love reading about railroads!

Job prospects not great, but hopefully this SAT teaching gig will work out okay.  I have what is basically a teaching audition on Tuesday, so wish me luck!  Would I be a good teacher, or as Aneil suspects, will I sort of hate high school students?  Discuss!

Anywho, I am off to a workout class intimidatingly titled "Everlast Shadow Boxing".  Scary.  I do this in honor of the fact that I am missing out on this weekend's Master Pancake: Rocky IV edition.  It will probably be worth it to see my lovely brown friend get hitched.

 In the meantime, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!

1 comment:

Carl said...

Should I be freaked out that we're using the same blog layout?