Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 Months Without Cable Hasn't Killed Me Yet

Austin has been kind to me for the past couple of months...here's the latest:

The job "search" has gotten depressing.  There is a slim chance I could get a pitiful full time job, doing budgeting for government projects, or inspecting pipelines, or something like that, none of which sound appealing, so it's looking like I need a career makeover.

In the meantime, I am training to be an SAT prep course instructor.  Which means I have to take the SAT again (not officially, but my score will determine whether I get hired)!  I mentioned this in casual conversation at a bar the other night, and this girl at our table looked at me like I was either a) the most haggard-looking 16 year old she had ever seen, else b) some sort of diabolical genius that managed to earn an engineering degree without ever taking college admission exams.  Oy.  At any rate, the next 2 weeks will include lots of critical reading and geometry.  On the plus side, they pay really well (albeit at part time hours), and if I like it, hey, maybe I will become a bona fide teacher after all!  

Aneil still rocks.  He is fun and we play lots of Scrabble and chit chat and watch movies starring Cher.  It rules.  I cook him dinners and he dotes on me a lot, and he doesn't mind that sometimes I eat stinky foods or dote on the webkinz to a ridiculous degree.  We need more space than this tiny apartment, so we are looking at houses soon (hopefully starting tomorrow!).  I have no idea how to buy a house, but hopefully it will all work out.  Then we can have barbecues and get a dining table and all will be right with the world.

Wedding planning is moving right along.  I still need a cake and flowers.  Otherwise we've got a place, food, musicians, engagement pics, plus I have a dress.  We are well on our way, I think.

So I joined the 24 Hour Fitness and actually manage to go about 4 days per week (which is pretty impressive for me).  The main draw is that most of the time at least one of the tv's is tuned to "Golden Girls" and I need my fix, since Lifetime and WE don't beam into our digital converter antenna box.  Also sometimes VH1 Classic is on the tv near the ellipticals.  And on Sundays you can bet that you'll see Bravo's Law & Order: CI on at least 2 tv's!  This place is cable tv heaven!  Aneil says I can't just do cardio all the time (although that's the only way to watch tv) so he went with me on Saturday to act as my very own personal trainer in the weight room area.  

In pop culture news, every TV show is in finale mode.  Here are the ones I care about:

1) Hopefully the Gossip Girl spin-off about 1980's era Lily Rhodes will get picked up.  The quasi-pilot was adorable, and included Andrew McCarthy as the dad, and Libby from "Lost" as the mom, plus lots of Veronica Mars alums.  With a fun soundtrack and lots of neon.

2) What's up with "Lost"?  Honestly I can't even tell if I enjoy it anymore, but I have a compulsive need to watch.  Jack is extra-annoying this season.  So is Locke.  I am weirdly fond a Miles, the ghost whisperer guy.  That's about it.  Allegedly this week we find out about "The Incident".  I hope it puts us back in a normal timeline.

3) I have little to no interest in who wins Idol this year.  Sad!

Otherwise, lately I love:  new Andrew Bird , new Bird and the Bee.  

Star Trek (joy!) >>> Wolverine (blah!).    

I want to include more photos, but it is cumbersome (read: I dunno how to) with Aneil's computer, so I'll save that for next time.



Emily Anne said...

Yea! I remember the days without cable! We went from that tiny tv with no cable to a 48" flat screen with directv basically overnight, lol. Anyways, it's great to hear whats going on with you! I hope the SAT thing works out and you find a great house. I just started a blog also. I have updates about Annelise on there. http://emilyannegribnau.blogspot.com/. Talk to you later!

Misplaced Texan said...

Do you watch Castle on ABC on Monday nights? All the episodes are online, I think you would like it. It has taken over my Lost obsession.