Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy Day!

1) Jeffrey WINS! Project Runway. I'm going to reference my previous post, and make note that I was completely correct that he did not cheat, but was over-budget and had to lose the wigs. (But wasn't Tim Gunn adorable with all his crying and proud dad behavior?) Also, today I found the dress I purchased last weekend online, and it was part of Shelli Segal's "Rock n' Roll meets Hollywood Glamour" collection, so obviously it makes sense that I love Jeffrey's rock n' roll aesthetic. (Or, "goth", as Michael Kors would say). At any rate, hurrah for Jeffrey. (And for gorgeous Marilinda, the model.)

2) Tivo arrived! I think I have it all hooked up, but apparently it takes some time to set up so I might try it after Top Chef, but I am so excited!

3) Top Chef premiered and the new host is hot and only slightly less robotic, but still an improvement. I like that they specifically noted that Tom Caligula (or whatever his name is) is NOT an avuncular charming Tim Gunn-type mentor, but a mean mean judge. THIS is the reason that Top Chef won't replace Project Runway in my heart in the off-season, but I DO love food, so we'll see how the season turns out.

4) I made a 97 on my Management test! Hooooray!!!!!

5) Apparently I have lost 1 lb this week!

6) I see Amanda and Chad and Aneil in less than 2 days!

7) All 3 of my favorite brown girls are coming to my birthday party next month.


le happy sigh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

regarding "happy day":

1. i completely agree sappy and sweet tim gunn was so adorable i wanted to hug him. especially when he got all misty telling them they were all goign to bryant park.

2. just bc you got tivo doesnt mean you can deviate from the plan to watch movies youve never seen before.

3. did you notice the tattoo on the new top chef hostess? its real cool ofcourse and ofcourse shes gorgeous. carla and i decided that we like her wardrobe but think her eyes are too far apart - in that gorgeous kind of way i guess.

4. i am so excited i get to see you & chad too!!!

5. how do you do it so that your pictures stay small. whenever i do it, if you click on them they expand to such a large size pores are visible.

6. jeffrey did not say rock and roll. booo.

cant wait for friday!