Tuesday, October 10, 2006

and you may tell yourself - this is not my beautiful wife!

Hey beauties.

The past couple of weeks have been significantly less eventful than the previous weeks’ and their constant vacations, but I will do my best to keep it interesting.

The other day I was driving home from work and I stopped at a red light and 2 men crossed the street in front of me. As he was walking, the big guy pulled his shirt up over his belly (I guess he was hot?) and just sort of held it there, belly exposed, and kept on walking. It was so funny...and I had to of course fight the impulse to get out of my car and hug his big ol' belly. That's the thing...I love bellies! My brown boy has a little one and I love it. By definitition I am supposed to hate bellies, since they are unhealthy and I don't want to lose any other loved ones to heart disease, but I can't help loving them! Maybe because my dad had a big furry belly and I loved hugging it too. My best frens may even remember my long ago fascination with "fluffy" boys and my unfortunate experience with one named Will Rogers (never before in the history of the world had a pretty hipster so thrown herself at a chubby OPAS exec). At any rate, I guess I've given up on overall fluff, but I gotta say, it's harder to give up the belly.

Speaking of bellies, check out the cute fluffy snowman/penguin statue I purchased today. When you press the button it sings, and the snowman dances and the penguins jingle bells. Can you believe they are already selling Christmas stuff?

Other things I have been thinking about:

1) How do they make store-bought hamburger buns? If it’s just a whole bun that is cut in half, why are the edges so smooth? Why was there never a Mr. Rogers episode in which he visited his neighborhood large-scale bread manufacturing facility? (oh man, his visit to the crayon factory was awesome)

2) Has anyone (besides me) noticed the amount of sexy that has been brought back lately? I mean, I’ll go ahead and say it, “Justin Timberlake, mission accomplished!” Here is a plot not only of the national average amount of sexy but my own personal sexiness, shown pre-JT and post-JT. (shown as percent sexiness):

Also, (and I don’t think this is a coincidence) the mastermind behind it all is the strangely charming, belly-toting Timbaland, further evidence that bellies are sexy, um back, um sexy/back. (Note the huge % increase in the chart above.)

3) Is it wrong of me to be rooting for evil Jeffrey on Project Runway? I think it’s a combination of the judges comments exasperating me (one week he is awarded for being rock n’ roll, then the following week they say he is too rock n’ roll and needs to tone it down, so the next week when he tones it down, he is berated for not keeping it real). Ugh. Also I’m glad he stuck around so we get one more week of Michael Kors incorrectly referring to his style as “goth”. And let’s face it: given the choice I would obviously opt for Jeffrey or Uli to be my stylists. Also, I think as my love for Tim Gunn grows, Michael Kors is less and less appealing. Sort of like when you have a boyfriend you looove you sort of lose interest in checking out other guys altogether. This is further proof that my love of Tim Gunn is indeed pure and true (love, truuuue love).

4) Why is “Flavor of Love” so appealing? Aneil (who does not have cable) is constantly perplexed about why I would watch such a thing, but when he came over this weekend, he too, was completely hooked. Our genuine excitement that a new episode was coming on was alarming. It’s just laugh aloud funny and perplexing and shocking all at once. And every time he kisses one of his ladies, he exclaims “Flavor Flav!” Why???

In non-pop-culture news, I was 3-for-3 in terms of hanging out with best girl friends last weekend. Amanda was in town for a bridal shower, Maria came over after she left to have dinner with me, then Amee stopped by after visiting her parents! Eeep! I love all of those girls!

Also, brown boy and I made it to our 1st anniversary as a couple. This was met with not much fanfare, as we live in 2 different cities, but there were lots of icky phone calls about love and whatnot. He is great, and I might have completely fallen apart this past year without him so yay brown boy! (Also he is cute, so that’s a relief.)

Thursday I am going to a meeting with my company’s VP of Engineering. We want to tell him we need to spend millions of dollars on compressor components. I really don’t belong in such a high-powered situation, I don’t think. And you may ask yourself-well...how did I get here?

I have a management test tomorrow so I should get back to learning about motivation theories and whatnot (laaaame). This weekend I am going to San Antonio, where I will see Amanda + Wilco + Brown Boy, so I can’t complain at all! Life is busy but sunny this week, so hurrah!


Anonymous said...

um i love you and your rays of sunshine.

1. stop watching flavor flav it is beyond a shadow of a doubt the worst show on tv and will rot your brains - im convinced.
3. if you want my belly you can have it. i am currently trying to evict her from her home on my body. i am convinced it is a woman bc only a woman would betray another woman the way my belly has.
4. you forgot to include hot pants on your "bringing sexy back" chart. which by the way goood job on that i can tell you are fluent in excel.
5. cant wait to hang out this weekend - xoxo.

wm said...

1. somehow i missed this post, but i love the graph. perhaps you should author a journal article on the topic.

2. see amanda's #1. please god.