Tuesday, May 02, 2006

procrastinating is a terrible thing

Okay, I am supposed to be working on my finance final. But it's so hard to get started. I feel as though once I do get going on it, I will (maybe?) get really into it and work to completion. But seeing as it's not due for another week, I've hit a brick wall.

Instead, here are the things I am obsessing about today:

I'm intrigued by this news story:

Why would you plagarize chick lit?

I often tease Amee for reading what I refer to as "pink books", i.e. not romance novels, but the fiction novel equivalent of the chick flick. They put them in the general fiction section, but you can usually locate them pretty quickly due to their bright pink covers. Almost always about young professional smart women who have misadventures and romantic encounters with hunky men who are drawn to their quirkiness.

These books are not as ridiculous as some of the harlequin romances, but they are indeed very formulaic and silly (I have found that while reading them is tiresome, I enjoy listening to them as audiobooks, because they are easy to enjoy while driving.) So I am fascinated that this girl would actually have 40+ passages in her book that are shockingly similar to those of now, 3 or 4 other books. It's ridiculous. Like she cut/paste her book together! What makes me sad, is that since she is young, this could reflect badly on all young writers, some of whom are truly talented.

But you gotta feel sorry for this poor girl...makes me think of the kid in Elizabethtown (a terrible movie..don't watch it)...but in that, he is a young superstar shoe designer and his shoe flops and loses billions for the company. I can't imagine being part of a screwup that big at such a young age.

Okay, anywho, I feel like a lame-o but I just voted for my favorite American Idol this week. The gray-haired guy was just so charming this week and I am worried that he could get sent home. His rendition of "Something" was actually sort of sexy. Heh. I guess I love the older men. I'm sure my 3 votes will help save him from elimination.

Okay, I did it again...4 votes.


Anonymous said...

ya thats why i aim for mediocrity that way noone expect anything from me and i dont give myself some sort of complex about my lack of accomplishment. haha.

also, i love you for updating . seriously you save me.

Anonymous said...

omg that song was pretty darn hot; I rewound twice. :)

Shelley said...

Ha I know. I wish I would've taped it. Some weeks he's by far my favorite, and others he is sort of off. This week he was definitely dreamy (in an old guy way...although let's face it, he's only 3 or 4 years older than us...scary!)

Glad he survived this week, else I would have to stop watching.