Thursday, May 04, 2006

you're a fool...that's what's wrong with you!

I have been coming to the realization over the past few days that I am, indeed, getting very very old. I will list a few examples (i.e. evidence) of this phenomenon:

1) Post-Aneil’s Brifday Party, Erik and the kids wanted to go do something after the bars closed, and I thought to myself “are you crazy? It’s 2am I should’ve been in bed hours ago, or curled up in a ball reading a book at least.”

2) This morning I was taking various (4 to be exact) vitamins/hormones (although admittedly none of them are required to keep me going, but are preventative). And I thought to myself “I should really get one of those day of the week pill holder thingys…that would really help me out!”

3) Every night this week I have watched either American Idol (and voted for the wacky guy with gray hair) or golden girls (and laughed at the wacky gals with gray hair).

4) We went to the mall on Saturday and I didn’t really want to go into the young trendy stores (except for Fossil, since Aneil loves it) but instead actually said “you know, I’ve been buying more and more of my clothes from department store collections…they’re much more classic.”

5) Aneil was panicking because he turned 26 this week, and I kept saying things along the lines of “don’t be silly! 26 is YOUNG.”

At any rate, I am feeling like an oldie, but am trying to embrace it. We are going to the symphony on Sat and I have plans to go to Foley’s with the girls at work to shop for something “smart” to wear on Sat. Le sigh.

Also, I went grocery shopping yesterday afternoon, and here’s the thing…I looooove grocery shopping. Yet I hardly ever do it. I will wait and wait until I have eaten every last bit of edible meals in my apt before I make the trip. Yes, all last week I ate the last 2 lean cuisines and 3 cans of Chef Boyardee. (item of note, “Boyardee” is recognized by Microsoft spell check AND is auto-capitalized!) Anywho, I love the whole grocery store experience, and I love coming home and having fresh fruits and milk and bread and bags of lite Caesar salad (my goodness, I am addicted to those!). I also looooove store-bought California rolls, and I eat them the second I get home from the store. Okay, so why do I wait and wait and wait until the last minute? It’s very strange, indeed.

Last night in lieu of watching “Flavor of Love” reruns on VH1, I popped in a video that Aneil loaned me called “Serendipity.” Has everyone already seen this? With John Cusack and the shockingly hot Kate Beckinsale? It was real silly and contrived but made me think (a little) about soulmates and fate/God whatever you believe. I used to not believe that you had a soulmate, and there were lots of people in the world that could match you. But recently Erik + Aneil (the most sensitive boys in the world, I think) have convinced me otherwise. Especially Erik’s point that God has a plan for your life, and if you never “meet your soulmate” it’s not by chance, but it is his plan to do other things with your life. At any rate, although the movie is silly and oh so obvious with the “matching gloves” symbolism, I thought it illustrated nicely what I think about the subject. Sure, there is a soulmate meant for you, but you have to follow your heart in order to find them. God can point you in the right direction, but you still have free will (that’s the gift that makes us human!). Both characters could have ignored the clues and married the other people they were with, but they followed their hearts and found happiness! It’s a nice thought.

Today the apartment maintenance people apparently came by to investigate the mysterious dripping/raining above the toilet in my bathroom. I received a note on the sink that informed me that it was the A/C not draining correctly and it was signed, "Jesus". It made me smile, although I'm sure "Hey-Zeus" was the guy who fixed it, for a split second I felt like I was getting a note from the big guy himself.

One final note, I stumbled across this news article today, and it made me giggle throughout the workday (I have italicized my favorite part):

Mr. T: Take my advice, or else

NEW YORK (AP) -- If Dr. Phil can dispense advice, why not Mr. T?

The TV Land network announced Tuesday that it will start "I Pity the Fool," a series where "The A-Team" star travels across the country dispensing inspiration and advice.

"The 't' stands for talking," he said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I'm going to talk it up. It's what I've been doing all my life."

The series starts in October. He'll offer help to people struggling with personal or professional problems.

"My show ain't no 'Dr. Phil,' with people sitting around crying," he said. "You're a fool -- that's what's wrong with you. You're a fool if you don't take my advice."


Anonymous said...

Jesus fixed my sunglasses Easter morning, but then broke them again. (long story, actually not long, just not interesting)
BUT I know whatcha about feeling old
what with crochet and cooking and front-porch sittin'

Anonymous said...

hahhaha. nice entry.

atleast you dont have grey hair like me and old lady hobbies. besides i am old and im ok with it.

also remember beer jesus. he came and then was gone. thank you jesus.

ok i smell time for shower.

jasembera said...

dude, i totally have an extra medication holder. what a delightful gift to receive via snail mail.

i think i shall forever use the term "elderly" instead of "old."

so glad that your entry count has increased tenfold

Anonymous said...

My doorman is named Jesus. Really, Jesus. It took me a couple of months to be able to address him by name, because it was so weird to call an actual person that.

And Jesus is young and hot.