Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I love the Power Glove. It's so bad.

Hello friends.

Big news of the week: I met childhood crush FRED SAVAGE. Sadly, I did not have my camera with me, as Aneil told me he wouldn't be there. Jealous much? Ha.

We went to a screening of the 1989 classic Nintendo movie, "The Wizard" starring Fred, Christian Slater, Beau Bridges, and the adorable Jenny Lewis. Remember this one? Emotionally disturbed little brother is awesome at pretty much every Nintendo game so he travels with his brother and a cute redhead to California to compete in Video Armageddon. And there was the evil kid with the Power Glove? And they premiered, wait for it...Super Mario Bros. THREE! At any rate, the director, the actor who played the "wizard" himself, and Fred were at the screening and did a Q&A (sample audience question: "Who was a better kisser? Jenny Lewis or Winnie Cooper?") and autograph signing. Needless to say, I made Aneil wait with me in line so I could meet Fred and get my poster signed. (Yes, I bought a glow-in-the-dark Wizard poster.) He was really nice and adorable and essentially looks exactly the same. Seriously. I got real nervous and could barely speak to him but I did say that I loved him all through grade school. Aneil asked him whether Rilo Kiley came to be because Fred knew Jenny Lewis and his brother Ben knew Blake Sennett from Boy Meets World, but sadly it was not true. It did make him laugh though, and I'm pretty sure I swooned. Ha.

I didn't realize how super-fan I was, but apparently I was the only person in line who could even remember the name of his short-lived sitcom, "Working" and had seen "The Boy Who Could Fly" about 50 times.

In other "the more things change the more things stay the same" news, apparently it's not just Fred Savage who looks the same after all these years. About a month ago I went jogging with Aneil in Hermann Park, and we stopped to stretch next to the road, and a guy I knew from high school, who I haven't seen in about 10 years, recognized me from his car and yelled out the window at me. Apparently even while jogging I look identical to how I did in high school (albeit chubbier). Then yesterday I was walking to my car from work, and as I passed a Starbucks another guy yells, "hey didn't you go to my high school?" And it wasn't even a good friend, I vaguely recognized him, but he was like, yeah I thought you were familiar. Seriously? Do I look exactly the same? Ha. Anyone who knew me in high school who reads this lame blog should leave me a comment and let me know.

In other news, Maria and I are having a Valentine's Day party this weekend, so I'm really excited. It is supposed to be a best friend love free-for-all but SOME people (read: Erik) think it's a "couples" party, so that's lame. I have vowed not to hold hands and/or make out with my boyfriend the entire time, so if you happen to be in Austin this weekend, be sure to stop by and maybe I will hold YOUR hand instead.

Lost is getting good again. I will avoid spoilers for you folks who are not caught up this season, but I love the new sassy Ghostbuster guy and the new awkward guy. In other tv news, who do you guys like on Project Runway? I strangely love "fierce" Christian. Ha.

This week I love: Lucky Charms, American Idol's "Hollywood Week", and candy conversation hearts.

This week I hate: the fact that it gets dark at like, 5:30pm, the lack of chemical plants in Austin, and that Make Me a Supermodel show.

Anywho, hope you all will be my Valentines!


1 comment:

Lamon's Musings and Amusings said...

Oh Winnie and Kevin- the love of a lifetime no?
Shelley, I miss you! Who else would share in my love for "Gossip Girl" but you....and well a ridiculous amount high school girls. Eh, anywho, glad to see the blog is being updated again!