Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Can't Take My Eyes Off You

So on Friday I had Lasik surgery. Don’t let anyone fool you, it doesn’t “hurt” but it is terrifying nonetheless. They numbed my eyes and gave me (apparently useless) valium and put me in a chair. I felt some pressure on my eyeball, and was supposed to look at a light until…everything went black And a horrifying burning smell ensued! Oy, it was terrible. And that was only phase 1! The second part was worse, as you could sort of see the outline of these little instruments apparently pulling back your corneal flap. Then you have to stare at a light while the laser corrects your vision. Then the doctor strangely squeegees your eye. They gave me a stuffed dog to hold onto while this went on, and I was gripping him for dear life. It was all very traumatic. Luckily, darling brown boy was there to take me home and essentially dote on me for 2 days. I woke up around 9pm…no pain, but still fuzzy. I can currently see pretty okay, but everything is hazy (I am praying this is part of the normal healing process). I go back to the doctor on Wednesday for my checkup.

The best part of the whole ordeal was that the doctor who did my pre-op and post-op exams looked like a doctor version of my friend K. So A and I kept referring to him as Dr. K and it made me feel strangely better. Also, when I woke up at 9:30pm and announced that I wanted spaghetti, A went out in the rain for takeout, thus validating his #1 best boyfriend status.

In other news, I have resorted to watching NFL games due to lack of college football. Did anyone catch the NFC title game? Fun stuff, and although I normally love old man Brett Favre, I gotta say I was happy for the littlest Manning. Poor guy, can you imagine if your older sibling was one of the all-time best (name occupation here) and you happened to do the same job but people think you will never be as good as your sibling (or parent, for that matter)? At any rate, I will be cheering for the Giants in the big game, as I can’t get over how android-like Tom Brady is. Seriously. He’s freaky. Plus they’ve won tons of Super Bowls. Boring. Next.

A and I officially signed up for the Rock n’ Roll Marathon in San Antonio in November. This means we have 10 months to go from being a chubby (yet adorable) okay-couple into a lean, mean (still adorable) super-couple! Seeing as his profession requires organizational and planning skills, A has devised a workout plan for us that uses a spreadsheet (which of course I love and will therefore utilize). Apparently I have to run/walk at least 4 days a week. Luckily Tuesday (i.e. American Idol performance day) is a Rest day!

Also, oh man, the news about Heath Ledger completely caught me off guard. Like, I gasped and had to hold my heart, I was so shocked. (I've officially decided that CNN is basically a glorified version of InTouch magazine, due to their idiotic coverage of the story.) I was so super stoked about his performance in the new Batman, and I have actual affection for the movie "10 Things I Hate About You." I just keep thinking about that heartbreaking part in Brokeback Mountain when he sobs and holds onto Jake Gyllenhall's shirt. Oy. So sad. Also he's our age. Creepy. I was going to post a photo for ya, but it's too depressing.

To end on a happy note, here is some good news from our friends at the ol' CW. Starting next Mon Jan 28th you can start watching "Gossip Girl" from the beginning with a replay of the pilot, PLUS bonus scenes and interviews. Joy of joys! At least this can tide us over until Thursday's premiere of "Lost".

In summary, this week I hate: dry eyes, the premature end of Gossip Girl due to the writer’s strike, and the devastating loss of a true talent.

This week I love: boyfriend, making new goals, American Idol, and Maggiano’s meatballs.



Bo Nash said...

I give you major props for getting your eyeballs lasered. The whole thing freaks me out too much. Yes, I'm a big baby. A big, blind-as-a-bat baby.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have your blog back so that I can live vicariously through you! My eyes hurt just reading about it. Not ready yet!