Wednesday, February 22, 2006

oh no i actually mention care bears in this post

I felt it was time for an update, as all my friends are dealing with drama rama, and I am not, so I can blog about stupid topics and try to lighten the mood.

Here’s where I gush about boyfriend, so if this sort of banter makes you want to vomit (admittedly sometimes I feel as though I want to vomit on us too) you should skip ahead:

Last week was Valentine’s Super Fest 2006. I say Super Fest, because it wasn’t just one day, but a whole week of fun, since we live in separate towns (actually living in separate towns totally sucks, but I’m trying to put a positive spin on it). I was delighted to receive a big bouquet of tulips on actual V-day and it was quite a surprise, and really pretty:

Aneil is really good at choosing flowers, and usually opts for something interesting and colorful (i.e. not roses) so I appreciate that.

I also bought a fabulous dress for our special date (Foley’s Red Apple Sale!). I’m pretty irritated because we didn’t take any pictures, and it’s a shame because we looked totally hot. Anywho, we went out for fancy Italian food and I drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of tiramisu, so I went to bed really early (lame I know). My Valentine’s gifts included: 1) another bouquet of flowers, 2) box of candy, 3) box of cookie monster valentines “Me Love You Like Me Love Cookie!” and 4) four tickets to see Built to Spill in May!!! (Yes.) We also got to spend the whole 3 day weekend together and it was just great. I mean, okay, he mostly sat around watching movies and doing math puzzles whilst I did Statistics homework, but it was still great. I love being in love! Yes, “in love”. There, I said it.

(End of gush)

Today isn’t as bad, but yesterday was really really gloomy and foggy and muggy. It was sort of strange, because it was so foggy that in the morning I couldn’t see anything out of my window at work (I am on floor 17). It was like living in a big cloud (a la the Care Bears) but a lot less cheerful and with less cupcakes. Make it was sort of like what it had to have been like at that evil emperor/wizard guy’s cloud castle…you know, the guy who wanted to get everyone to stop caring, for whatever reason. It’s kind of funny, but villains are always just a little too ambitious. Like that guy who wanted everyone in the whole world to stop caring, or the evil devil Tim Curry guy in “Legend” who wanted to rid the universe of all light, or those guys Murky and Lurky who wanted to get rid of Rainbow Brite so they could rid the world of all color. I mean, really. If they would’ve aimed a little lower, say, only rid the world of the colors orange and aquamarine, they would be a lot less disappointed when their evil plot is foiled by the underdog brave hero and/or group of bears with heart noses. Hmm.

Today was sort of boring at work. Everyone was away at meetings or whatever, and I had nothing super scary urgent to do, like I did last week. Now that I’m getting the hang of my new job, I think I need to start adding new tasks to keep me busy. I have a dialog with my boss in a couple of weeks, so maybe we can figure something out. Also, when I’m bored at work it makes me wish I had someone here to flirt with a la Dawn & Tim on The Office. I realize that I just declared that I am in love and whatnot and that’s true, but in a completely hypothetical way, I wish I had an office crush that I could go chat with whilst bored or to just giggle over occasionally and pull pranks with, etc. I am lonely for work best friends too.

Also I am not too angsty about living in Houston, but I am missing best friends a lot. Plus, best friends are vacating quickly. Val left for PA, and Amee is about to leave for DC. I will be left with Maria, who, bless her soul, is going to be studying non-stop through July. Ugh. It just makes me miss friends and want to move to various locations where there is a higher concentration of best friends.

Also, I miss Amanda. I keep brainstorming ideas of what we need to do next time we hang out, because I miss her a lot. Here is the list:
1) Hummus at Niko Nikos
2) Go to the Museum of Contemporary Crafting
3) Burgers at Lankford Grocery
4) Watch a minimum of 3 romantic movies set in various periods.
5) Filipino/Mexican feast that we prepare ourselves
6) Go to Lot 8, the Chloe (from Project Runway) boutique
7) Thrift shopping/Hipster shopping in Montrose

That’s all I have so far, but I am estimating that it will take roughly 1 week to do everything. Hmm. I also want to spend a whole week with Aneil, but I’m hoping to make that happen in May, for his birthday, after school is over. We are thinking about a day trip to Six Flags since I’ve never been there…eep!

I am failing in my attempts to be a weight watcher (sort of). I guess since I don’t do it regularly, and only on the days when I want to obsess and calculate points in everything (including gum) in the nifty spreadsheet, it won’t work. I am just worried because I fear that I am becoming large-ish again. But I love burritos, so I don’t know what to do. I like to think that my constant hunger is a physical manifestation of my hunger for life (!) but I mean, I am a chemical engineer living in Houston, so maybe my hunger for life is not as great as my actual hunger. I’m not too sure. I just know that I ate cobbler today and enjoyed it immensely.

Also failing in my attempts to read 2 or more books per month. Seeing as it’s the end of Feb and I’ve read 1 total, I’m way off track. Wondering if I can catch up this week with a few novellas…hmm. FYI “Fluke” by Christopher Moore was stupid, and probably a waste and probably not worthy of being one of my 2/months. Bleh I hate when that happens, but it still wasn’t as bad as “She’s Come Undone”.

Love yourselves and others as much as possible…


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. i love you sooo much.
you made me laugh outloud.
hunger for life? hahahahhah. in that case, due to the fact that my mother was supposed to have twins but the other mysteriously vanished, and my sensitive father likes to tell me "i ate him" i think i will claim that i have a hunger for 2 lives. wait that sounds bad but i mean i have a hunger for life times 2, not like i want to eat people, well wahtever.

i want to do all those things on your list, plus go back for bubble tea and scrabble. also you and aneil need to come back if only for day trip so we can go to the shady-cavern now that it is warming up over here.

ok welllllllllllllll i sort of miss you all the time and im glad you are happy bc that makes me happy.

hunger for life hahaha.

wm said...

dont listen to amanda. she eats people.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what colors we've already lost...