Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Longest post ever

I really can’t compete with Amanda in the details department, but I shall do my best to put my spin on last weekend (and beyond!)

Also I suck and forgot my camera at home so I don’t have any photos to share. Instead I will do my best to include pictures that represent various characters and events.

It took an epic 3 ¾ hours to get to Amanda’s house on Friday (seriously, something needs to be done about the chaos that is the I-10 Katy freeway. I irrationally hate that place, and although I’m sure the people of Katy and/or the town of Katy is lovely and charming on some level, the small portions that I have seen from the highway exasperate me and are ugly and boring.

So I finally arrived and Amanda gave me my wonderful Christmas gifts, including my new mini lavender plant (pictured here along with my magic bean plant):

And she crocheted me a really pretty scarf. It is really soft and makes me look attractive and hip and warm and I love it. See it modeled here by Butter:

Okay so then we gorged on thai food. We ate 2 entrees plus an appetizer so we were stuffed. We also noted that we felt so full that it hurt, but then proceeded to eat more curry. Curry is delicious because it contains magical spices + coconut milk:

Post special-date, at which we talked about life and like/love etc, we met up with law school friends + Meisa for extremely strong drinks + pool + golden tee golf at Oak Hills Tavern. It was fun. I drank a lot and made note of the enormous-ness of my arms in relation to Meisa’s legs. Also a lot of cute boys petted my hair and said it was shiny. At one point we also (foolishly) took shots so that was great. We stayed at the bar until closing time, then went to TC for queso etc. Was delicious. Fell asleep drunk and with overly full belly.

Next morning we got up and went to the Antique Mart. It was really great. I bought a really cool serving dish, since I love being a hostess:

I also got pretty embroidered hankies and whatnot and this cute hat:

Post shopping I ate a huge greasy burger at Chris Madrid’s. It was delicious and had cheddar cheese oozing out the sides of the buttery bun. Mmmm. Drew and Alex proved to be charming lunch dates, so that was fun.

After that we went and saw the Golden Globe winning “Brokeback Mountain” with pretty Diane. It was amazingly depressing and made me feel like curling into the fetal position. On the upside, it was a well made movie, and there were sheep, and Diane bought these yummie King Kong sour gummies, although she said they hurt her tummie. We also saw a preview for an interracial love story movie, in which the main character’s friend tells her she’s “gettin’ her swirl on” (i.e. black + white = swirl). I’ve decided that I’m adopting this phrase to apply to my own interracial love, since it’s been pointed out to me on numerous occasions that I’m basically white (sigh).

Luckily, after depressing movie, Amanda and I spent the evening with 5 amusing and gregarious fellows. My lovely Aneil drove up from Austin and met us for dinner, so I was so excited. When I saw him I basically made a face like this:

We ate delicious Korean BBQ (I can’t wait until next time!) along with sushi rolls. We had to sit Indian style on a really hard floor, and the boys complained constantly, but it wasn’t too bad. Afterward we went to a bar called “Rod Dogs” with hideous dog art on the walls and a jukebox that seemed to play Nickelback every 3 songs or so. Ew. However, they had shuffleboard, which is really fun.

Post-Rod Dogs, the three As and I went back to A-1’s house and we played Riff, the DVD music trivia game Aneil got me at Target. It was pretty sweet. Well, sweet in the sense that my team won both rounds. The longest round was when each team had to name a British band and go back and forth until one team couldn’t name another. We eventually had to call it a draw. Although I’m real pissed at myself for not remembering Spandau Ballet during the heat of the battle.

Sunday we lazed about and watched Project Runway and football and played Scrabble. Amanda won (I’m so proud) and I taught her some new tricks just in case she ever decides to go pro. Also, sweet Alex bought me a really cool gift:

It is 5 tetris games in 1 and you plug it straight into the tv! Technology is amazing. I’m not sure why the boys were all about the gift giving this weekend, but I definitely encourage it. The best part is that they got each other gifts. So cute.

Anywho, the weekend ended much too quickly (especially for me, since I worked Mon so I missed out on penis cookies!). I love my friends + bf so it was great.

In other news, I had to work on Monday (bummer) but I got to see the entire (3.5 hr!) MLK day parade from my office window! It was pretty fun, even from way up there. I also got to see the girls for Bachelor + pizza fun. Woohoo.

Today school started and my statistics prof kept us for the entire 3 hr period and assigned homework...on the first day of school! Oy.

Anywho, more to come this week, as I have (even more!) school and car repairs and weddings in the pipeline. Love you all!


Anonymous said...

haha. this is why i heart you.
butter looks almost as good as you do in that scarf.
miss u everday your away!

Bo Nash said...

Sweet hat. Did someone steal it from That Girl?

Liz said...

speaking of weddings, when are you planning on arriving in the big D? Lets's hookup and do something. I'll be sad if I only get to see you at the wedding and that's it.

Anonymous said...

time for a new post woman!