Sunday, January 14, 2007

What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing?

Hi! So I guess I took a long enough hiatus, and am back in blog business. Hope you all had great holiday and got to hug lots of people you love.

Since last update, I got to have a festivus, which was real fun and of course my heart was nearly bursting with love and happiness. I think everyone had a good time although we didn't manage to have the gift exchange, and there was no dance party portion of the evening. Maybe next year I will ditch the karaoke in favor of dance party. Here is a link to my photos: Festivus 2006.
And here is a link to Bo's much better it turns out having a) a better camera, and b) well, talent, makes for far superior party pics. This has further humbled me, and my pathetic lack of photography skill: Bo Knows Photos. I hope everyone had a great time...Maria and I are tentatively planning another party in March sometime...maybe in Austin?

Don't mess with us.
Best Frens (plus loads of Chardonnay)
I gaze adoringly at Chad and Reido.
Like cute Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Super cuteness. They are probably laughing at...
Me and Fro rocking out brother/sister style.
See? Bursting with Happiness!

I then went home for Christmas. Fro's cute new gf came along for Christmas eve too so she was fun to have around. We played board games and gorged on steaks and was glorious. My favorite gift was my new crock pot! I used it this past Friday to make pot put in raw food, go to work, and when you get home you have a hearty meal! Amazing.

Then New Years was in Austin this year. Mom's BFF threw a party so we went and ate delicious gumbo and filipino food. Afterward, Aneil and I went to his friend Jenny's party, and we danced the night away! It was pretty fun. Also, New Years Eve-eve, Aneil and I went to Alamo Drafthouse with his pal Aly and her bf Klaus, and we watched these guys make fun of Die Hard, Mystery Science Theater style. It was super funny. Then we went out on the town with Aneil's friends John and Johnny. They were most excellent dancers and we had a great time. Aneil and I are all about the boogie lately. Next time we are in Austin, we all have to go to Red Fez and shake our moneymakers together!

I also attended the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans. Mom and I had fun and the Tigers won, so hurrah!

Here we are in the superdome. It was LOUD.

Fro is the one in the middle playing the quads. We were real proud.

Hooray! Go Tigers!

I have since returned home and after a whirlwind week of driving through Louisiana and Texas, I was exhausted. So this past week has been all about maxing and relaxing (chillaxing?) so that was glorious. I start school this week, so it will be back to constant activity for the next few months, but I don't mind.

Here is a list of things I love this week:

  • White Condiments - I have been putting sour cream on most foods, but for sweets I prefer cool whip.
  • Sarah Mclachlan's cover of Kermit the Frog's "Rainbow Connection." It nearly brought me to tears last week. Just so pretty.
  • The SAINTS! NFC Championship here we come!!!
  • My Boss - made me a pan full of homemade lemon bars and they were cool is that guy? Also he quoted "The Big Lebowski" during lunch and couldn't stop giggling about it.
  • "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce. I realize it is a lil dumb and she rhymes the word "minute" with, well, "minute", but I love it so.
  • The TV show "Sports Night". Have you seen it? You should.

This will have to do for now. Before I sign off, here is a great recipe I tried for super-low-fat pita pizzas. They were DELICIOUS. I recommend dipping them in SOUR CREAM.

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Place pita on cookie sheet and spread store bought pizza sauce on it (I used came in a squeeze bottle!).
  3. Top with mozzarella cheese and sprinkle on some Italian seasoning.
  4. For toppings, I used low fat turkey pepperoni (which is surprisingly really good) and I sauteed some onions, peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes in olive oil. YUM.
  5. Bake 6-8 minutes.
  6. Enjoy!

Love you all!


Liz said...

Your life looks so fun! I miss you and all your wackiness. Since "the Breakup" I am working on cultivating friendships. Do you have a "slow time" coming up so I can visit? I miss all my Houston people, and it has been way too long since we have hung out (uh, Deb's wedding...).

Bo Nash said...

I kept looking for Phreaux while watching the game. I have a belated xMas gift for you. Be expecting a package in the mail in a few days. Miss ya kid!

Anonymous said...

1) i love your blogs
2) nice scarf
3) does your love of white condiments yet extend to mayonnaise? cuz it should. give it a chance. it will loveyou back.
4) we need to hang outagain soon. i miss you.

wm said...

glad you're back in blogsville.

don't listen to torres, mayo is gross.

come visit.


Anonymous said...

karaoke? i definitely see the filipino in you now! :)

Anonymous said...

regular mayo still freaks me out, but both kerby lane and ztejas now have a jalepeno mayo that will rock your socks.

in that first pic of all you girls singing, kat is really hilarious. it reminds me of "about a boy" when marcus and his mom are singing. "the worst part was when they closed their eyes."