Monday, April 28, 2008

No way you're never gonna shake me

I think I am having a mid-life's one of those disconcerting times when I can't figure out what I'm doing with my life. Not panicking yet, but mostly just restless. It's time for a change.

Not to worry, for now I am coasting along and keeping myself more-than-occupied with the backlog of novels and movies that I neglected during those 2.5 years of business school (it is so weird that I am already done with that!). Nonetheless, this can only last a little while longer before I start needing some forward momentum. Presumably, that would include living in the same town as my brown boy, but we are at an impasse right now (who moves?), so I am trying to not fixate on that aspect of life. Maybe I just watch too much "Made" but I kinda want to try something new...

Enough of that, though. In maintaining the status quo news, I have been reading trashy fiction (mostly) devoid of literary value, watching lots of tv (well, mostly "Idol" and "Lost"), and trying to make a dent in my Netflix queue. The running is not going well, as I sneeze constantly if I go outside (nerd alert) and I run like a duck on the treadmill. I can go about 4 miles...that is very very short of the 13.1 I need to do. Ugh.

My lovely bff's birthday was last week (huzzah!) and brown boy's is this Friday, so there's lots to celebrate lately (thank God those 2 were born!!!).

At any rate, I am out of charming things to say...hopefully your comments can add to the substance of this entry until I get around to more meaningful topics. In the meantime, here is my week in review:

This week I hate: my upstairs neighbors and/or most things about my current apt although I appreciate the fact that there are no bugs, the information-overloaded NFL draft coverage, and family dramarama.

This week I love: Ben from "Lost", David C. from "American Idol", Aneil from "Austin, TX" and oreos from "Nabisco".

You know you love me,

1 comment:

Lamon's Musings and Amusings said...

Shelley! So reading your posts just makes me miss you more. I can totally identify with feeling kind of bleh about the status quo...guess who else feels like moving AGAIN? Portland's consistent drizzle and cold has been making me sad and cranky. Furthermore, I think the cold is making me look old and the drizzle is making me look frizzy. UNACCEPTABLE.
PS I heart Zoe D. too. She is lovely like Jenny Lewis-esque.