Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock n' roll

My most darling brown boy had a birthday party this past weekend (in case you missed it, his birfday was May 2). We made awesome party favor bags complete with Aneil's seasonal mix tape, $1 movies from half price, stickers, pencils, and candy. Ready to paaaartaaaay:

We headed to the bowling alley, where they had $3 white russians, poured from pitchers! And there were tons of friends there. I mean, most of these folks are shellzana guest stars, since they are technically Aneil's friends, so if you are interested, check out photos here. (Aneil, you should email this link to all the people on your evite...I don't have access to do it from my account.) In the meantime, here are some folks you may know and love:I bowled in a lane with Carol, Sean and Kevin. Kevin had an unfair advantage, being the high school bowling coach, and all, but we tried our best. Despite the fact that Carol was totally kicking Sean's booty at the beginning of this game, they still paused to show off all their adorable pink/redness:Aneil was so excited the whole evening, his face was achy by the end of the night. Here he is smiling with his friends Bob and Kenneth:Check out my amazing bowling score! I was tops amongst the ladies, and most of the boys. I rule:
Also check out this AWESOME ninja turtle cake:
So the party was really fun, and I am so glad that this boy was born 27 years ago. I lub him (he's handsome, huh?):
Work is super busy this week, but I am still in a happy mood. I am leaving for Philly on Thursday, and thanks to your generosity, I raised over $1000 for Race for the Cure! I am so proud/amazed by everyone! :)
In other news, I joined Netflix. My first selection was "Just Like Heaven" with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo. I sort of loved it. For all you kids who are constantly irritated that I never watch movies, add a comment with your recommendations and I will add them to my queue. (I love that Netflix has put the word "queue" into mainstream use.)
I am sad/relieved about the cancellation of Gilmore Girls. While I love the girls ever so much (not to mention Jess), it is time to say goodbye, methinks. In the meantime, my current tv obsession is Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Sort of love Vincent D'Onofrio. Ha.
Until next time's Philly update, good luck on finals and graduation, everyone! This week I love: boiled eggs, Netflix, bowling, birthdays, and my dearest Aneil!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

party looked fun! so sad i missed it. i recommend "sweet dreams the patsy cline story" or "touching the void" the pbs/bbc special. cant wait to see you!!!